This is the second planned coach development opportunity for 2019 and I am delighted to announce that we have Richard Cheetham MBE joining us for the workshop on the 16th March 2019. Looking at optimising the learning environment. After each of these sessions we make sure you walk away with an action plan and also keep in touch via facebook. This is a community to start developing best practice and offer each other support as coaches and practitioners.
Facilitators – Richard Cheetham MBE and Emma Brunning
Learn more about Richard HERE
Facilitator: Richard Cheetham MBE Senior Fellow in Sports Coaching University of Winchester brings to us:
Optimising the Learning Environment: A place for Innovation, Creativity and Impact.
This workshop is designed for coaches at all levels and aims to reflect upon how to enhance engagement and learning within their sessions and how to be confident when introducing new ideas.
Not only will this provide some practical ideas but it will also highlight what constitutes an effective learning environment for all participants.
There is an opportunity to devise appropriate learning strategies, recognising the need for change and generating new ideas to enhance learning, engagement, confidence and success with an interactive approach.
Venue: 315 Health Club, Lancaster.
Date: Sat 16th March 2019
Time: 10am – 16.00pm.
3 hours with Richard and then Emma takes over identifying how you work, what could you use in your current practice that we ave learnt today. You will leave with an action plan on how to practically apply this information. We will then check on on each other after the day to see how you are getting on. Whats worked, what did not go so well, what next!!!
Cost: £65
Any questions please email: